May 2020
International Comparative Legal Guide: Restructuring & Insolvency 2020
Partner, Sophia Rolle-Kapousouzoglou, contributed The Bahamas chapter to the ICLG: Restructuring & Insolvency 2020 (14th edition).
The guide provides practical cross-border insight into restructuring and insolvency law. The guide covers common issues in restructuring and insolvency, including issues that arise when a company is in financial difficulties, restructuring options, insolvency procedures, tax, employees and cross-border issues in 27 jurisdictions.
Free online access to The Bahamas chapter is available here:
PDF version: Bahamas: Restructuring & Insolvency 2020
This chapter was first published by Global Legal Group, in partnership with INSOL International and the International Insolvency Institute (III), in the 14th edition of ICLG: Restructuring & Insolvency 2020.