August 2020

COVID-19 Legal Alerts

August 4, 2020

The Bahamian Government has ordered the mandatory closure of all non-essential businesses and a national stay-at-home order will take effect from August 5, 2020. In accordance with the Emergency Powers (COVID-19 Pandemic) (Lockdown Order) 2020, our physical office in Nassau will be temporarily closed until further notice. During the office closure, we will continue to work remotely and we will be available to assist with your legal needs as usual.  

The Bahamian Government has implemented several emergency orders in response to COVID-19 and we wish to highlight the key legal developments. We will continue to provide updates on any further legal developments. 


Exempt Businesses and Undertakings

The Bahamian Government has gradually expanded the list of exempt businesses and undertakings which are authorized to operate during the state of emergency. For your reference, we have provided the links below to the approved list of exempt businesses and undertakings.

Suspension of Transition Period under Register of Beneficial Ownership Act

Suspension of the period of transition to meet the requirements under the Register of Beneficial Ownership Act from 17th March, 2020 for the duration of the state of emergency and for 60 days thereafter.

Suspension of government fees/filings

Suspension of the obligation to pay any government fee, file a document with any government entity or renew a license, visa or permit from 17th March, 2020 for the duration of the state of emergency and for 30 days thereafter.

Suspension of fees/filings under Companies Act/International Business Companies Act

Suspension of the obligation to pay any fee or file any document from 17th March, 2020 for the duration of the state of emergency and for 14 days thereafter.

Suspension of limitation periods

Suspension of limitation periods under the Limitation Act from 17th March, 2020 for the duration of the state of emergency and for 30 days thereafter.

Suspension of insurance premiums

Suspension of the obligation to pay any insurance premium under any health, medical and life insurance policy from 17th March, 2020 for the duration of the state of emergency and for 60 days thereafter.

Penalties for non-compliance

Any person, company or organization who contravenes any emergency order will be liable to a fine of up to $10,000 and/or a term of imprisonment of up to 18 months.


For your reference, we have provided the links below to the key emergency orders and regulations implemented by the Bahamian Government. 

This memorandum is for general information purposes and is not intended as legal advice.


If you have any questions or need assistance please contact:

Chelon Carr-Newbold 

Real Estate and Resort Development Group 
Telephone: +1 (242) 502-5034